Lieutenant Colonel "Boom" Marsaw: Born to Run

Fall 2014 - Marsaw's bookLieutenant Colonel "Boom" Marsaw:  Born to Run
Thorold Marsaw
(JPEnterprises/Essence Publishing)
ISBN-10: 1460002512
ISBN-13 978-1460002513
   - From the author (
   - Also available in Kindle and KOBO editions
Prices if purchased from Fellowship website:
$15 plus shipping

“At a time when Canadians need to understand our military, Born to Run by Thorold Marsaw will give us insights into the professionalism and dedication involved.
Colonel Boom Marsaw is a one-of-a-kind character. His story is interesting and inspiring. Marsaw writes his story as it flows from his memory. The result is a book with a certain homespun flavour and charm. In places it is disconcerting that unconnected incidents seem to follow one another here and there without structure. This does not, however, take away from the charm of the book.
We also gain a glimpse of his faith, conversion, and ministry while in the military, as well as his steady rise in the ranks. It does not go on to describe his ministry in churches after his retirement.”

Thorold and his wife, Irene, started their first church in their home; it grew to 370 souls in only six and a half years.  From that point on they undertook the ministry of working with three churches in crisis and, before retirement, served for a time as Regional Director of the FEB Central Region.
They have been blessed with five daughters, sixteen grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.  Now retired in Brantford, Ontario, they are members of Central Baptist Church.

Visit the Fellowship website at for more biographical information about the author.

Reviewed by Eric Wright, Retired missionary and pastor, Author of: Riptide, The Lightning File, Captives of Minara, Down a Country Road, Through a Country Window, Strange Fire?,
Church—No Spectator Sport, Revolutionary Forgiveness, A Practical Theology of Missions

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